
I need help with this problem!

Accepted Solution

Answer:Step-by-step explanation:Volume of cylinder:[tex]\boxed{\text{Volume of cylinder=$\pi r^{2}h$}}[/tex]Bottom cylinder:1 inch = 2.54 cm  diameter = 14 inr = 14/2 = 7 in r = 7 *2.54 = 17.78 cmh = 4 in = 4*2.54 = 10.16 cmVolume = 3* 17.78 * 17.78 * 10.16              = 9635.59 in³Upper cylinder:diameter = 12 inr = 12/2 = 6inr = 6*2.54 = 15.24 cmh = 12 in = 12*2.54 = 30.48 cmVolume = 3 * 15.24 *15.24 * 30.48              = 21237.63 in³Volume of the object = 9635.59 + 21237.63                                                        = 30873 cm³